Top junior rackets for kids 9 - 11 years old

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  2. Kid's Height (cm)
  3. Kid's Height (cm)
  4. Grip size
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Check our big selection of the best junior rackets for kids 9 - 11 years old who either start playing tennis or play tournaments. All top brands in stock: Babolat, Head and Wilson.

Below you may see the characteristics of junior rackets as per the age and height of kids:

Racket length 26’ (66 cm) – ideal for kids 9 - 11 years old that their height is 1.40 – 1.54 m.

Older kids (11-12 years old) or kids that their height is above 1.55m is recommended to have adult lightweight tennis rackets (27" length that weight 245 - 265gr).

If you have any questions, you may read our junior racket guide or click on the selection guide.

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